Codice | 0705002006 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
MMA Regulation Field | 20 - 150A |
Supplied with | tracolla, pinza porta-elettrodo e cavo di massa da 3m con morsetto. |
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Codice | 0705002008 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
MMA Regulation Field | 10 - 180 A |
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Codice | 0705002007 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 13 A |
MMA Regulation Field | 20 - 180 |
Supplied with | tracolla, pinza porta-elettrodo e cavo di massa da 3m con morsetto |
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Codice | 0700500079 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
MMA Regulation Field | 10 - 200 A |
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Codice | 0700500080 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
TIG Regulation Field | 10 - 180 |
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Codice | 0705002010 |
Power Supply (V) | 115/230 VAC ± 15%, 1ph, 50/60 Hz |
TIG Regulation Field | 10 - 200 |
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Codice | 0447700881 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 16 A |
MMA Regulation Field | 15 - 180A |
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Codice | 0700301091 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 16 A |
MMA Regulation Field | 30 – 180 A |
MIG Regulation Field | 30 – 180 A |
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Codice | 0700301092 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 16 A |
MMA Regulation Field | 30 – 210 A |
MIG Regulation Field | 30 – 210 A |
Fast delivery (3-5 days) with DHL Courier in Germany
Free shipping
Codice | 0447700910 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 16 A |
TIG Regulation Field | 10 - 180 |
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Free shipping
Codice | 0447750890 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 1 Ph x 230 |
Fuse (A) | 16 A |
TIG Regulation Field | 10-210 |
Fast delivery (3-5 days) with DHL Courier in Germany
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Codice | 0700300985 |
Power Supply (V) | 115/230V 50/60 Hz |
MMA Regulation Field | 5 - 240A |
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Available from 27-02
Codice | 0479100400 |
Power Supply (V) | 115/230 V 15 %, 1, 50/60 Hz |
Fuse (A) | 16 |
TIG Regulation Field | DC: 5 A / 10,2 V - 230 A / 19,2 V AC: 15 A / 10,6 V - 230 A / 19,2 V |
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Codice | 0448350992 |
Power Supply (V) | 50-60 Hz 3 Ph x 400V |
MMA Regulation Field | 20 A / 20,8 V - 320 A / 32,8 V |
MIG Regulation Field | 30 A / 15,5 V - 350 A / 31,5 V |
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Codice | 0700300998 |
Power Supply (V) | 120/230 monofase +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz |
MIG Regulation Field | 235A max |
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When approaching the choice for a welding machine, you need to keep into consideration several factors. In fact, the purchase might be quite arduous to carry out, even because of the range of these devices on the market. ESAB welding machines are not few at all and, among the various models, even the more industry expert people might get confused. Furthermore, many of them also have extremely different and variable characteristics. It is not a reckless choice that anyone can make, simply because you could lose your money by buying something of poor quality. You need to assess carefully the objects’ characteristics, understand what kind of works they are suitable for (and which they are not for), evaluate the price, the provided guarantees and so on. In short, the purchase of an ESAB welding machine requires quite a lot of attention.
If you are a beginner, it is better for you to consider the possibility of purchasing some ESAB welding machines well suited to your level of preparation. Doing this is not difficult at all: the same welding machines are realized in such a manner to offer to all the interested people the possibility of choosing the one that is simpler to use. Of course, if you do not have much experience with the welding work, you will want to choose a welding machine that is lightweight and not too powerful. On the other hand, if you have enough experience and you have to perform more complete works, you might want to buy a bigger and more powerful ESAB welding machine. This way you will not have problems carrying out all the kind of works you want to do. Experience, moreover, will also help you choose the right welding machine among the ones offered by the various brands.
Another factor you have to consider if you want to buy a good ESAB welding machine is its cost. As mentioned before, you can find very different ESAB welding machines, and it is obvious that, in relation to factors such as weight, power, dimensions and more, the cost will vary too. If you want to bring home a reliable ESAB welding machine that will successfully work for years to come, we suggest you to make a higher initial expense. Also, remember that often on the marker there are discounts and many promotions, thanks to which you can buy great ESAB welding machines at very reasonable prices, especially online. If you are still at the beginning and you need a basic ESAB welding machine, consider the idea of directing your attentions toward the simplest and most basic models. They cost less but can still perfectly adapt to a great variety of occasions and needs.
Some welding machines well befit a fast use: they are lightweight so you can bring them anywhere you want, simple to activate and use. We are talking about welding machines well suited to small works that you need to carry out without much waiting. These welding machines do not cost much and, at the same time, can be used by those who do not have much experience in this respect (of course taking all the precautions). Furthermore, they are also simple to use. On the other hand, however, there are ESAB welding machines that are not really fast and easy to use. They are better suited to perform more complex works. Also, more times than not, they are suited to those who can be, in effect, considered professionals. These welding machines can still offer a higher power, but that has to be used in an informed manner. This option might be better suited for great productions as well, provided that you know how to use it. We suggest choosing something in between anyway, which surely represent the most suitable solution for everyone.
While choosing an ESAB welding machine you must not forget everything that is about the welding quality. As already mentioned before, some welding machines offer a better welding than others do. If you do not need to perform too accurate or qualitatively high works, you do not need to buy a too expensive welding machine. However, remember that by operating with an ESAB welding machine bought at a low price, you might incur in a series of problems. This last one, for example, might not give you the possibility of performing some types of works and, later on, might limit you. You can choose some welding machines rather than others in relation to the weld’s quality that you are trying to reach. Luckily, there are quite a lot of this kind of articles on the market, and you just have to simply choose.
When you are choosing any object, you must consider everything related to the materials with which this object has been made. ESAB welding machines are no less. To prevent breaking, it is necessary to pay special attention to those objects produced with materials of absolute quality. During a welding, in fact, everything can happen. For example, the object might slam somewhere and, because of the production material’s low quality, a disruption of the operation might happen. Better to avoid all those welding machines that, for example, have been produced with simple plastic coverings that might easily break. Better if the welding machine’s protection were made with a much more resistant material, such as steel.
If you want to buy a welding machine actually complete in every respect, you have to also consider everything that concerns the accessories. You will need these to perform a perfect job. In the absence of the accessories, you might encounter some problems, so you will have to buy these objects separately. Currently, the majority of companies try to offer its clients all the necessary tools for welding with their product, including in the package a big variety of accessories. If you choose to buy an ESAB welding machine, make sure to also buy all the accessories you need for your works, whether you buy them together with the welding machine or separately. This way you will prevent future problems. Moreover, it has to be paid attention not only on the welding machine’s quality, but also on the accessories’ one: they have to be of good quality and fit the chosen model.
While choosing a good ESAB welding machine, you must not forget another very important factor: the frequency of use. Should we make an analogy, it is a very similar subject to that of the fishing rods. On the market, you can find ESAB welding machines for both occasional welders, and experts who frequently use these machineries. If you need a welding machine to use rarely, buying a professional device is not the ideal solution. You would risk making an investment that would not be exploited to the full. To avoid this, there is a solution: there are great ESAB welding machines suited for occasional works and with a great quality level.
By choosing well you will still be able to use a good welding machine that will help you perform several types of works.
It might seem strange, but when you buy a welding machine, both for hobby and professional, you must pay attention to the production brand. In the majority of cases, in fact, the most famous brands, such as ESAB, concede their clients a warranty document, to use should the device break. This, of course, does not happen with the lesser-known companies. Besides, on a rather vast market, counterfeiting does exist. Buying an ESAB welding machine will protect you from the purchase of a counterfeited device that might break after a little time.
Types of ESAB welding machines
Once chosen the kind of use and the frequency of use of the welding machine you want to buy, you will have to delve among the different types of welding machines on the market. You can find several models: wire welding machine, inverter welding machine, tig welding machine, multi-process welding machine. By observing them all, you could be easily confused, since there are many models, for any need, often with very similar characteristics between each other. You will have to arm yourself with patience to make the right choice.
First of all, you have to remember the type of ESAB welding machine more commonly used. We are talking about the wire welding machine, rather commonly used in quite different areas. In this case, the electrode simply does not present an end. During the actual process, you have to proceed to fuse it with the flaps of the metal that you need to weld.
Another type is instead the inverter welding machine, that is different based on the supplied electric current. This kind of device gets a continuous type of current from a specific electronic circuit that includes a potentiometer, itself able to regulate the welding’s amperage: a small detail that proves to be useful in a big variety of occasions. By using this type of welding machine you will not need to ignite the electrode, like instead happens with the normal arc welding machines.
In the case of the TIG welding machine, you will proceed with the welding by using a device that includes an infusible electrode made of tungsten. The whole process is carried out under the protection of an inert gas, and can be performed both with and without the filler metal. To be able to use this kind of device, it is necessary to be highly specialized professionals, and it is not an option suitable for the beginners of this field.
Lastly, it stands out the multi-process welding machine, a device that, like the name suggests, allows you to perform completely different types of welding. These types vary based on the models of the devices and on their technical characteristics. As it happens for the other devices as well, the multi-process welding machines too can be found on the market in a big variety of different choices.
As you can see, you have to pay attention to many criteria if you want to choose an ESAB welding machine without purchasing the wrong one. We tried collecting them all in order to give you the right tools. The most important advice, however, is that you always consider your needs.